Friday, July 31, 2015


Whenever I reveal an unfortunate childhood memory, to a woman, she will ask:

"Was that in relation to your father's drinking"

The question always catches me off guard... I have no bad memories

of my father's drinking

Good Question

A woman suggested that the only dumb question  I could ask is ... Is the question I do not ask

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Time Remains

One of my behaviors can inhibit another one of my behaviors....

A need for male approval can block out free will

Sucked in self doubt thwarts the  success that stems from following instincts

Unhealthy filling of my emptiness minimizes the strength that partners with

My story is not over

My Lady

The hansey deli man held my elbow while greeting: 

"Good morning my lady" -   

Monday, July 27, 2015


I am starting to receive calls from a prisoner... I have always wanted a captive listener..

Saturday, July 25, 2015

In Three Years

I met a woman's daughter three years ago.  She had a panic attack when she guested on a San Diego trip.

This summer, she attended a medical career focused camp and was not home sick ... She asked to 
attend the camp

Friday, July 24, 2015

Walked Towards Accomplishment

Everyday, last year, I would hear a man reveal what he wanted and y he would not
get it...

Next week, he is starting a job of his choice .., in a newly leased car .. He is thinking of dating

He announced his intention and began to methodically walk towards accomplishment step by step

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Natural Success

The more my anxiety melts away the more positive results are garnered in the work place

The more positive results the less I eat...


Fear is being reflected in a change of eating habits...

Instead of asking if I am hungry or what do I want?....  I ask myself,  How much food
is available?...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Natural Power

A woman informed me that I melted her fear of talking in public... I did it by being myself... Naturally remarking on her  personal power

Victorious effects... One person at a time

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I have a long term relationship with a woman. She is a humanist. She does not believe  in GOD... or  something larger then ourselves... Things being meant to be or the Power of Intention

She believes in the Power of Keeping Going  and ultimately that we are alone

I, both, envy and feel sadness for her


The deli man gets handsey with me... Maybe he had just prepared tongue

Monday, July 20, 2015

Her Result

A woman was fired in front of me. It started to creep me out... I started  to compare ourselves

Then I stopped myself.., we are two different people..... Her result is not mine


We must vow to be kinder to ourselves

Easy Listening

The hard core Rock N Roll of my youth is, now, considered
"Easy Listening"

Sunday, July 19, 2015

White Wine

I informed a woman of  my bad behaviors while drinking ... White wine was offered

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Singled Out

It is crazy...It comes in waves.. I can feel a twinge when my daily call compliments a mutual acquaintance ...

I can feel discounted when he compliments her

An example of overthinking


A mother described the violence between her son and daughter. I shot back to asking my mother for protection from my brother..,

"What about anger management"     "What about therapy"

She is doing the same as my mother... Nothing

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mountain Top

A man informed me that he thinks of my words whenever he hikes to the top of a mountain...

We never know when our words effect others

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Can't go Changin

A man wardrobes, himself, in sadness..., disappointment that has become a part of him like a limp... He expresses his affliction in one liners.., when I hear it I start to cry..,

His sentences are opportunities for me to learn to let him be.... I can not fix him.., Jason
does not want me to change him only to listen

Monday, July 13, 2015

Demanding Mistresss

Self doubt is time inefficient. The lack of self belief demands that I seek the opinions of multiple people...,  stopping what I am doing to call.. to confirm with colleague...or freeze

Only to discover my first thought was the right one..

Sunday, July 12, 2015


A man, on a Saturday, asked me out for the following Sunday. He suggested dancing....

or going somewhere to talk... I opted for dancing... Talking sounded dreary

Fridge or Cabinets

Do you open your fridge .... and think I need to cook that... Nagged by expiration dates

My story is about eggs... I looked at them for  ten days.., I scrambled the eggs today

My eggs were consumed along with the nagging

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Which Package?

A man asked me out....

Man: do u want to go to dancing?

Me: do you have cable? Bravo? Do you live alone?

Man: yes..  I have cable and live alone...

Me: why don't we hang out on Sunday... I will watch cable

Which package I am interested depends on the day

Thursday, July 9, 2015


I walk and my clothes fit differently. My sadness was revealed to a friend...,

She said: you slipped off the wagon and you are getting back on

I can go along with that


The type of window I have on the world... Dictates my life in it..,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Less Bleeding

A benefit of spending less  time with chaotic people  is that
less of their chaos  bleeds into your life

Shim self

A  peaceful relationship is  knowing the selected person is being shim self and that your partner knows you are shim self .., neither is taking it personally

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ring of Trees

I threw my mother's ashes among the highest points of a ring of trees.  The trees were selected in response to her love of trees.

The collection of trees grow behind  a friend's restaurant. ....  A woman pointed out .. I have a bucolic 
living space to visit my mother 

Soccer Ball

I was sitting in the guest room, of a grade school friend, watching a DVD. Her son was kicking a soccer ball outside window.,,

The  TV was turned off in favor of passing the ball with the boy..,

It is always better to live life then watch life

Saturday, July 4, 2015

One stone at a time

I know a man that wears his emptiness like an elbow patch. I was convinced that each of my texted compliments would have the weight of a stone returning to fill up his quarry of sadness.

The  amount of the words..., telling him how sexy he was ,., how smart he was, how good he was.., how accomplished he was..,,  negated the believing of them

I liberated myself of the practice and our communication drastically improved

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Only Now

I have been  doing less. The texts I exchange with a man are shorter and less complimentary. I stopped
asking a woman to hang out.

The results came fast. The man's texts became smarter and playful. The woman asked me to the movies during the first 24 hours of my  stopped requests .

Doing less was chanted to me while growing up... I am ready to make the change

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Raw Bravery

A man was describing a scene from his love life... A girl rejected his kiss.., it was bad timing

He said, " it was a low point and I just want to forget it"

Tears were my reaction to his  verbal form of raw bravery